Trauma and Laughs
3 years ago

S1E16 - Bad Bosses - Part 1

Episode Notes:

Hey Y'all! Welcome back, this week we are talking about bad bosses and awful work experiences! Who hasn't worked a crappy job, who has wanted to have that movie-like quitting scene? In these next two episodes we explore Andrew's (Melanie's Boyfriend) work history, the goods and the bad of working in tech start ups, Amanda gives us a little bit about her most recent job journey, and Melanie talks a bit about working at a toxic company and why she quit.

This is a topic that Amanda and Melanie really want to keep talking about to expose bad companies, bad bosses, and toxic work environments. If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review, and subscribe! If you have a bad boss story yourself, please let us know! We would love to read your stories! Email us at [email protected] you can also find us on IG @traumaandlaughspod and @traumaandlaughs on twitter.

Jingles were created by Andrew (our guest) Hemans

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